Congressman Larry Bucshon, a physician from Southern Indiana, released the following statement regarding President Obama’s unilateral executive action on immigration.
Dr. Bucshon released the following statement:
“We need to fix our nation’s broken immigration system – this is something on which we all agree. That being said, any attempt to act on immigration reform must go through Congress, not executive decree. The President has argued he does not have the authority to act alone over 22 times, yet last night he announced a plan to ignore the rule of law by acting unilaterally.
“The President’s announcement is not about policy, it’s about partisan politics. He had the opportunity to pass his amnesty plan when his party controlled the House and Senate during the first two years of his presidency, but they did not act. Instead of ignoring the American people after an election, the President should work with Congress on common-sense legislation that secures our borders and reforms our broken immigration system.”