On Friday, Representative Larry Bucshon, M.D. will greet President Obama at the Evansville Airport and personally deliver a letter to the President containing an invitation to tour a Hoosier coal mine.
In anticipation of delivering the letter to President Obama, Dr. Bucshon stated:
“I’m happy to see that the President is set to visit Indiana. Like many Hoosiers, I look forward to hearing the President address the many concerns we have regarding the future of the manufacturing and energy sectors that are critical to our state. I’m hopeful he will address the proposed EPA regulations that will devastate our coal industry, hamper our manufacturers, and increase energy costs on all Hoosiers. Friday, I intend to personally invite the President and the EPA to join me down in a coal mine so that they can hear directly from the hardworking miners here in Indiana.”
A copy of Dr. Bucshon’s letter to President Obama is included below:
October 3, 2014
President Barack Obama The White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President,
Welcome to Southwest Indiana. I know that during your visit, you will see that Indiana is a great place to live and work. Indiana is a global leader in manufacturing and your visit today helps shine a light on this growing industry that provides good paying jobs to thousands of Hoosiers.
Over the past year, Indiana has led the nation in manufacturing job growth, which is a tribute to our workers and entrepreneurs. The Hoosier state has the highest private sector manufacturing employment in the country. Manufacturing accounts for 28 percent of our state’s economy and employs nearly 17 percent of our workforce. This critical industry is growing because Indiana is a beacon for energy production.
In Gibson County, where you are visiting today, there are two coal mines that employ hundreds of Hoosiers. Our coal industry supports these good paying jobs that put food on the table for Indiana families and keep the lights on here in the Hoosier state.
According to the National Mining Association, Indiana ranks 8th nationally in coal production by state. Over 85 percent of our electricity comes from coal mined right here in Southwest Indiana. Not only are we burning coal cleaner than ever, but it is also keeping energy costs low for families who are struggling in this economy and those on a fixed income.
I’m disappointed that this area of the country has been largely ignored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) while creating new regulations that would put thousands of Hoosiers out of work. During a House Science Committee hearing on a new EPA proposal to regulate coal-fired power plants, I personally invited Ms. Janet McCabe, the EPA’s top air official, to visit Indiana’s Eighth Congressional District and discuss these regulations. I have yet to hear from her regarding this invitation, which is troublesome as she currently resides in the state’s capital, Indianapolis.
I would also like to personally invite you and EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy to tour one of Indiana’s nine coal mines. You will be able to go directly into a coal mine to meet the employees who take pride in their work and see how safe coal production is. While we all support cleaner energy in this country, it cannot be done on the backs of hard working Americans who depend on these jobs to provide for their families. As President of the United States, it is imperative that you understand how regulations created in Washington, D.C. affect those in the heartland of America.
Thank you again for visiting Southwest Indiana and I look forward to hosting you and Administrator McCarthy in one of our coal mines soon.
Larry D. Bucshon, M.D. Member of Congress